"Attempt to load a function from a different lua VM"

I really dont have anything to say other than this.

if you can, provide code. im assuming its an internal VM error

appears this was the solution, in that case no further elaboration is required I guess, glad I could help!

Is there any parallel luau being used in this project?

I usually see this error come from things related to RenderStepped in regard to parallel lua. If this is the case, I can look into reproducing it if you could elaborate on how your actors are structured.

Otherwise, I can investigate other things that may cause this error.
In the mean time, I would recommend using CTRL+SHIFT+F and searching for “fireRenderStepEarlyFunctions” as this seems to be causing the error to occur.

I dont really know any code that i could use, i’ve brushed through all my current scripts and none really lead to anything.

it seems to be a client script using runservice. try looking through those.

also, do you have any FFlags enabled?

T’was related to renderstepped! I have no idea why the error never lead to the script. many thanks!

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