Attempt to perform arithmetic (add) on Instance and number

I’m making a game Tapping Simulator game, but when I click the button it errors (it only errors on Line 10 and when you have rebirths if the rebirth is 0 then it’s fine)

game.ReplicatedStorage.Events.TapEvent.OnServerEvent:Connect(function(plr, rebirths)
local rebirth = game.Players[plr.Name].leaderstats.Rebirths
local amount = 1
local player = plr.Name

if rebirths.Value == 0 then
	game.Players[player].leaderstats.Money.Value += tonumber(amount)
	local new = tonumber(amount) * tonumber(rebirths.Value)
	game.Players[plr.Name].leaderstats.Money += tonumber(new)

If anybody can tell me why I am getting this error it would be appreciated!

You’re adding the value instance instead of the value property. Add a .Value

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