Attempt to perform arithmetic (add) on nil and number

Basically just trying to add a certain amount to the players Credits every 5 minutes depending on the players job. I’m getting an error that says Attempt to perform arithmetic(add) on nil and number.
When the 5 minutes is up and the timers value is set to 0 its supposed to add credits to the player based on the amount of income their job provides.


local PaycheckWaitTime = 300--(5 minutes)
	local ReplicatedStorage = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage")
	local EventsFolder = ReplicatedStorage.Events
	while wait(1) do
		local PlayerData = Player:FindFirstChild("PlayerData")
		local PlayerStats = Player:FindFirstChild("PlayerStats")
		local PlayerJob = PlayerData.Job.Value
		local PlayerJobFolder = ReplicatedStorage.Jobs:FindFirstChild(PlayerJob)
		local Amount = ReplicatedStorage.Jobs:FindFirstChild(PlayerJobFolder.Salary.Value)
		PaycheckTime.Value = PaycheckTime.Value - 1
		if PaycheckTime.Value == 0 then
			PlayerStats.Credits.Value = PlayerStats.Credits.Value +Amount
			PaycheckTime.Value = PaycheckWaitTime

In this case, if I chose the farmer job, I should be making $45 every 5 minutes.

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It means you’re trying to add a number to a value that doesn’t exist. Check the value of the Credits object, and set it to 0 if it’s empty.

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My credits value is currently at 500 and I’m still getting the same error.

I think error is here:

PlayerStats.Credits.Value = PlayerStats.Credits.Value +Amount

Check Amount value and PlayerStats.Credits.Value . Try to print them when PaycheckTime = 0

They shouldn’t be a nil


50 is the salary for the job I chose
500 is the amount of credits I currently have. The error is no longer showing but its not adding to the amount of credits.

Updated Code:

local PaycheckWaitTime = 300--(5 minutes)
	local ReplicatedStorage = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage")
	local EventsFolder = ReplicatedStorage.Events
	while wait(1) do
		local PlayerData = Player:FindFirstChild("PlayerData")
		local PlayerStats = Player:FindFirstChild("PlayerStats")
		local PlayerJob = PlayerData.Job.Value
		local PlayerJobFolder = ReplicatedStorage.Jobs:FindFirstChild(PlayerJob)
		local Amount = PlayerJobFolder.Salary.Value
		PaycheckTime.Value = PaycheckTime.Value - 1
		if PaycheckTime.Value == 0 then
			PlayerStats.Credits.Value = PlayerStats.Credits.Value +Amount
			PaycheckTime.Value = PaycheckWaitTime
PlayerStats.Credits.Value += Amount

try this istead this:

PlayerStats.Credits.Value = PlayerStats.Credits.Value +Amount
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local PlayerJobFolder = ReplicatedStorage.Jobs:FindFirstChild(PlayerJob)
local Amount = ReplicatedStorage.Jobs:FindFirstChild(PlayerJobFolder.Salary.Value)

The paycheck is now working, the error was in the Amount.

Updated Code:

local PlayerJobFolder = ReplicatedStorage.Jobs:FindFirstChild(PlayerJob)
local Amount = PlayerJobFolder.Salary.Value

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