Just included it in the script.
I can’t find it, I mean IDK what else to say other than to make sure val is a number and not a string.
Val is a number lol
local ReplicatedStorage = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage")
local Assets = require(ReplicatedStorage.Databases.Assets)
local ValueBox = {}
ValueBox.__index = ValueBox
local bankValues = {Bank = 0, Cash = 0}
local bankFrame = ValueBox.new(Assets.IconRect.Bank)
local cashFrame = ValueBox.new(Assets.IconRect.Cash)
Before line 77, create a line that says
if typeof(val) == “number” then print(“is number”) end
Now check if it prints “is number”
Also since I’m on iOS my quotes are different characters than the normal quotes for some reason.
It printed out the “is number”
Are you still getting the same error?
Then it isn’t val, it’s the other one. Do the same but for the other variable.
If I remove:
if typeof(val) == "number" then
print("is number")
It’ll add back the error: attempt to perform arithmetic (sub) on Boolean and number
Place this before line 77 and see what’s outputted.
On line 77, change val to tonumber(val)
If no error, then it succeeded.
Is error is that it’s nil, then val was a boolean.
Why would I want to change val
to tonumber(val)
on line 77?
local diff = val - bankValues.Cash
bankValues.Cash = val
cashFrame:SetValue("$" .. ShortenNumber(bankValues.Cash), diff)
cashFrame:SetExactValue("$" .. bankValues.Cash)
Because you are performing an arithmetic operation?
It prints out the number of money/cash in my bank value and cash value in-game:
If I add in:
It would get rid of the error, but if I remove that, it’ll bring back the error.
Do what roblox said and try the tonumber() thing. It might be passed in as a string which is why it isn’t working.
Ah okay, that worked. I’ve seen you converted string
to number
Because LUA converts strings automatically to a number, however, it errored out, resulting in using the tonumber()
function to convert it from a string to number.
Edit: NVM it didn’t work I think
Edit 2: Regard that, it worked.
Did you just copy from new haven county?