Attempt to perform arithmetic (sub) on Boolean and number

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Nothing, don’t see where the issue is located exactly.

Script where line 77 is located:

local API = {}
local ReplicatedStorage = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage")
local Assets = require(ReplicatedStorage.Databases.Assets)
local Constants = require(ReplicatedStorage.Databases.Constants)
local bankValues = {Bank = 0, Cash = 0}
local ValueBox = {}
ValueBox.__index = ValueBox
local bankFrame =
local cashFrame =
local RemoteHandler = require(script.Parent.RemoteHandler)
local updateRemote ="BankUpdate")
local RoundNumber = function(num, numDecimalPlaces)
		return string.format("%." .. (numDecimalPlaces or 0) .. "f", num)
	local function ShortenNumber(num)
		return math.abs(num) > 999 and RoundNumber(num / 1000, 1) .. "k" or num
	updateRemote.OnEvent:Connect(function(bType, val)
		if bType == 1 then
			local diff = val - bankValues.Bank
			bankValues.Bank = val
			bankFrame:SetValue("$" .. ShortenNumber(bankValues.Bank), diff)
			bankFrame:SetExactValue("$" .. bankValues.Bank)
			local diff = val - bankValues.Cash
			bankValues.Cash = val
			cashFrame:SetValue("$" .. ShortenNumber(bankValues.Cash), diff)
			cashFrame:SetExactValue("$" .. bankValues.Cash)
	local function getStat(val)
		if val == "Bank" then
			return bankValues.Bank
		elseif val == "Cash" then
			return bankValues.Cash

Line 77:

local diff = val - bankValues.Bank

Can we see the program causing this error? Somewhere your subtracting a true/false with a number (which obviously won’t work).

Just added it in, sorry lol…

The only subtraction I see taking place is in the if statement so check both values and make sure their the correct inputs by placing a print statement just before subtracting them to see whats being put in.


Just edited, so look at the edit I made.

What’s supposed to be inputted for val?

Here val is a string.

updateRemote.OnEvent:Connect(function(bType, val)
local function getStat(val)

Val is a boolean and not a number so it’s not subtractable, what is val supposed to be? Check where its defined or passed in and make sure its a number and not a string bc I see from that function it’s a string (which can’t be subtracted).

I don’t think Val is defined as the correct object in this script.

I’m confused, what is val supposed to be?

I think it’s supposed to be a value in which the bank number value gets subtracted/auditioned in the scripting.

local diff = val - bankValues.Bank

Check where the values being passed in and make sure the correct value is assigned to val because right now it’s a non numeric value so they can’t be subtracted.

Thing is I can’t, because Val is being created as an Object via:

updateRemote.OnEvent:Connect(function(bType, val)


local function getStat(val)
		if val == "Bank" then
			return bankValues.Bank
		elseif val == "Cash" then
			return bankValues.Cash

Val is the same in both functions right? If so I’m not sure what your trying to do since you can’t subtract a number and string value.

How would I convert this Val object to whatever it’s supposed to be then?

Is val supposed to be what’s returned in getStat?

updateRemote.OnEvent:Connect(function(bType, val)
		if bType == 1 then
			local diff = val - bankValues.Bank
			bankValues.Bank = val
local diff = val - bankValues.Cash
			bankValues.Cash = val

nvm i found what val is defined as

Val isn’t defined in either of those code blocks.

local ReplicatedStorage = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage")
local Assets = require(ReplicatedStorage.Databases.Assets)
local ValueBox = {}
ValueBox.__index = ValueBox
local bankValues = {Bank = 0, Cash = 0}
local bankFrame =
local cashFrame =

Not there either. In a function the value passed in as an argument would look something like this.

local val = 5 -- Variable 'val' is defined.

function printVal(val) -- Function printVal.

printVal(val) -- Function printVal is ran with the variable passed in as an argument.