Attempt to perform arithmetic (sub) on userdata and number - Scripting Support

I’m a bit confused about this error as well as how I could fix it. The bloxy cola code line works, but the other lines don’t.


game.ReplicatedStorage.Events.Products.BuyDrink.OnServerEvent:Connect(function(player, item)
	local CashValue = game.ReplicatedStorage:WaitForChild("ClubCash"):WaitForChild(player.Name)
	if CashValue:WaitForChild("Cash").Value >= 5 then
		if item == "Bloxy Cola" then
			CashValue:WaitForChild("Cash").Value = CashValue:WaitForChild("Cash").Value - 5
			local Cola = game.ReplicatedStorage.Shop.Drinks.BloxyCola:Clone()
			Cola.Parent = player.Backpack
		elseif item == "Lemonade" then
			CashValue:WaitForChild("Cash").Value = CashValue:WaitForChild("Cash") - 5
			local Lemonde = game.ReplicatedStorage.Shop.Drinks.Lemonade:Clone()
			Lemonde.Parent = player.Backpack	
		elseif item == "Coffee" then
			CashValue:WaitForChild("Cash").Value = CashValue:WaitForChild("Cash") - 5
			local Coffee = game.ReplicatedStorage.Shop.Drinks.Coffee:Clone()
			Coffee.Parent = player.Backpack	
		elseif item == "Chocolate Milk" then
			CashValue:WaitForChild("Cash").Value = CashValue:WaitForChild("Cash") - 5
			local ChocolateMilk = game.ReplicatedStorage.Shop.Drinks["Chocolate Milk"]:Clone()
			ChocolateMilk.Parent = player.Backpack	

You’re not indexing the Value property of the rest of the CashValue instances.

CashValue:WaitForChild("Cash").Value = CashValue:WaitForChild("Cash") - 5

should be

CashValue:WaitForChild("Cash").Value = CashValue:WaitForChild("Cash").Value - 5

Wow, I can’t believe I completely forgot that. Thanks for telling me, that would have taken me a while to notice.