"Attempted to teleport to a place that is restricted" on a regular public server

I have a lobby for my game, however usually it tends to split up into tiny multiple lobbies. Here im trying to funnel all the extra lobbies, into one massive lobby. But it will always say its restricted even though its a public server. Any help would be appreciated.


local Data = data.Data

if game.PrivateServerId ~= "" then return end
if ThisServerSendaMsg == true then return end
if game.JobId == Data.serverId then return end

local Queue = {}
for i,v in pairs(game.Players:GetChildren()) do
local teleportOptions = Instance.new("TeleportOptions")
teleportOptions.ServerInstanceId = Data.serverId

TeleportService:TeleportAsync(GameID, Queue,teleportOptions)

I tried teleporting on the client AND server and both resulted in the same issue.

More info/Clarification:
I’m teleporting them from server to server, however it’s the same place
“Data” comes from messagingservice
ServerId is a string, it’s from the other games JobId
They’re not private servers, their private server ID is “”