Attempting to find the account age of a player that is not in game

I’m trying to find the account age of players that are not in game but “data” always returns nil. Why is that? Is there any way to fix it? If not then how can I find the account age of players that are not in game?

		local HttpService = game:GetService("HttpService")
		local URL = string.format('', targetUserId)
		local response
		local data
			response = HttpService:GetAsync(URL)
			data = HttpService:JSONDecode(response)
		local createdTime = DateTime.fromIsoDate(data.created).UnixTimestamp
		local currentTime =

		local accountAgeDays = (currentTime - createdTime)/86400
		script.Parent.TargetAge.Text = accountAgeDays
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Probably because you cannot use roblox’s api directly, you have to use a proxy, try changing

local URL = string.format('', targetUserId)


local URL = string.format('', targetUserId)
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I still get the same error:

Players.VincentJHastings.PlayerGui.AdminGui.Frame.Target.TargetInfo.LocalScript:30: attempt to index nil with ‘created’ - Client - LocalScript:30

The reason data is nil is because the body of your pcall is erroring. You should see what the error result is from the pcall because that will help you identify what the problem is.

local success, errMessage = pcall(function()
	response = HttpService:GetAsync(URL)
	data = HttpService:JSONDecode(response)

if not success then -- If the call failed we can output the error message
	warn("User API request failed:", errMessage)

Also here is a fancier trick to get the stack trace of the error with it (which tells you exactly where the error happened). It works the exact same way as pcall but you can add an error handler function after the function you pass which will change what error message is returned. (In this case, Roblox calls debug.traceback with the original error message so it basically sticks the traceback after the error message like you would see in the output normally)

local success, errMessage = xpcall(function()
	response = HttpService:GetAsync(URL)
	data = HttpService:JSONDecode(response)
end, debug.traceback)

I found the issue. I used a RemoteFunction to provide the UserId to a Sever Script (I was trying to get a response from a Local Script) then I returned the account age from the Server Script to the Local Script.