Attempting to open ROBLOX Studio under any game will result in an error crash message. The message being; Failed to load Settings with 500

Reproduction Steps
Attempting to open any ROBLOX Studio tab will result in the crash message.

Expected Behavior
Studio to open without an error message.

Actual Behavior
The follow message is displayed;

I do not.

Issue Area: Studio
Issue Type: Connectivity
Impact: Critical
Frequency: Constantly
Date First Experienced: 2022-04-22 03:04:00 (-04:00)


This started happening to me too within the last 20 minutes. I tried redownloading studio several times which didnā€™t help.

edit: This is the message Iā€™m receiving


I also get the same thing, but It also turns the ā€˜500ā€™ to a 404 sometimes.


Looking through the logs, an API seems to not be working as intended. Reinstalling Roblox Studio wonā€™t do anything. Just wanted to share so people donā€™t waste their time on that.


Iā€™m getting the same error as well
thought it was only me


Yes! I get 404 from time to time as well!

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The same has occurred for me, I have taken similar measures as the others who have posted on here.

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I thought I was the only one having this problem. Glad to see Iā€™m not the only one.

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Having the same issue right now since 7:38 PM UTC. Been getting 404, 500 & 504.


im having the same problem as wall

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Not only Roblox studio actually, many APIs seem to be experiencing issues. You canā€™t for example search for games or anything on the catalog, it simply returns ā€œNo results foundā€.

Edit: I seem to be able to launch studio again.
Edit 2: Everything seems to be loading like usual, I guess they managed to resolve it.

Now I can load in?
Time: 1PM PDT

Affected on Mac alsoā€¦ tried reinstalling studioā€¦ studio will not run, without this error message popping up for either 500 or 404. This has been going on for the past 5 or 10 minutes (3:50pm eastern time)

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It was also happening to me and was just fixed

Can confirm, issue seems to be resolved now. :100:


I was deleting some files earlier and thought I broke Studio. Seems to be fixed now

Yup! Everything is back up and operational as normal!

Would you people quit spamming completely unrelated (and solved!) bug reports when Roblox goes down. Use your common sense. There is literally a banner at the top of the webpage.


Hey folks, closing out this bug report as this is about an issue from 12 days ago that has since been resolved. The currently on-going issue has a different root cause.

Please follow along on for more information and please file new bug reports for new issues!