Attribute names should autofill

A great quality-of-life change that could be added to Studio is to have attribute names suggest autofill options of other attribute names that have been used in other instances in an experience place.

In the below GIF, I add the attribute “AttributeName” to three separate instances. Despite using the same name, there is no autofill, which can slow things down.


Right now, you can bulk-select instances to add attributes all at the same time, which is already a great feature! However, allowing autofill is great if you are adding attributes without bulk.

With this, a community member brought up a good point:

Hoping to see this added to Studio :crossed_fingers:


Autofill? What if it doesn’t know what value to give in the attribute???

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I need this! I use attributes very frequently, and I also happen to like saving my fingers the trouble.

Then it won’t autofill


I mentioned this in the second sentence of the post… out of the five.


This is a detail that irks me often, I should be given a short list of most recent and most frequently used attributes as suggestions that I can arrow and tab to if desired.


This qualification for the post is perfect, I’ll quote that in the post. I never really thought about “attribute history”, but at the same time, it could drastically speed up the process, even more than autofill!