Attribute Tools | Ease of setting attributes for multiple instances at the same time

I made a plugin that basically just makes it easier to batch copy and paste attributes for instance/'s since i currently could not find any plugin similar

The plugin:

How to use:

  1. Download and Open the plugin(duh)
  2. Select any amount of instances
  3. Press the copy
  4. (Once copy is pressed it will preview all the attributes in the clipboard with the option to remove the attribute by pressing X)
  5. Select another bunch of instances you want the attributes in the preview to copy to and
  6. press paste.
  7. All attributes in the preview should be copied over or overwritten in your selection

Editing Attributes
Once pressing copy, there will be a button that you can press to edit attributes in the clipboard, upon pressing the button it will spawn a model in serverstorage with attributes from clipboard, change the attributes however you want, add remove, change name/value, and when your done, press finalize to clear all the previous attributes and copy the new ones from the model.

Clear Attributes
It’s pretty self explanatory but if upon pressing the button in the toolbar, any selected objects will be cleared of ALL it’s attributes.

Found Any bugs?
Feel free to message me on the devforum with replication steps/what it causes and if it’s a valid bug i’ll work on fixing it as soon as i can.

Any feedback and ideas for the plugin is appreciated, i’ve only been scripting for a year and this is my first established plugin

Plugin Toolbar Icons and thumbnail made by me
Literally one other icon taken from this other plugin:


Definitely a very simple plugin, but definitely could come in handy. Especially when you have a weapon system, you may have duplicate attributes on all the weapons describing the weapon.


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Updated the plugin
Version: 1.1

  • Added an overwrite button. Works just like the paste button but now clears all selected instances of their attributes before pasting in the new ones
  • Updated the ui a little
  • Fixed a bug where the edit mode breaks when attribute edit target is deleted while in edit mode

Yeah! That is exactly one of the situations I’ve encountered that led up to me making this plugin

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