Attributes Vs Values

Beginner’s Guide to Attributes and Values in Roblox Studio

Understanding Attributes and Values in Roblox Studio

In Roblox Studio, both attributes and values play vital roles in creating and customizing game elements. Attributes allow you to add custom data to instances, while values represent fundamental data types used for various game mechanics. Let’s explore these concepts together to gain a better understanding.


What Are “Attributes”?

Attributes in Roblox Studio are customizable data elements that you can attach to instances. They function similarly to built-in object properties but provide the flexibility to create and modify your own attributes for any instance. Key features of attributes include:

  • Creation and Modification: You can create, edit, and delete attributes directly within Studio’s Properties window, making it easy to customize game elements.
  • Persistence: Attributes and their values are saved with your place and assets, ensuring that your custom data remains consistent between game sessions.
  • Replication: Attribute changes are replicated, allowing clients to access them immediately, which is crucial for multiplayer games.
  • Real-Time Updates: You can view attribute changes in real time, making it easier to debug and fine-tune your game.

APIs for Attributes

Attributes can also be manipulated programmatically using the following APIs:

Using Attributes

You can interact with attributes in various ways:

Directly in Studio:

Attributes can be managed through Roblox Studio’s Properties window, as shown below:

Attributes in Studio

In Code:

Here’s how you can work with attributes programmatically using Lua:

-- Adding a new Attribute:
instance:SetAttribute("MyAttribute", myValue)

-- Getting an Attribute:
local myAttribute = instance:GetAttribute("MyAttribute")

-- Removing an Attribute:
instance:SetAttribute("MyAttribute", nil)

-- Changing an Attribute's value:
instance:SetAttribute("MyAttribute", newValue)

-- Getting all Attributes:
local myAttributes = instance:GetAttributes()

--- Listening to an Attribute changing:
instance:GetAttributeChangedSignal("MyAttribute"):Connect(function ()
    -- Do something when "MyAttribute" changes

--- Listening to any Attribute changing:
instance.AttributeChanged:Connect(function (attributeName)
    -- Do something when any attribute changes

For additional details on using attributes in your projects, check out this article on the Dev Hub: How to use Instance Attributes.


What Are “Values”?

Values in Roblox Studio refer to fundamental data types and objects used to store and manipulate information within the game environment. They are essential components for scripting and game development, allowing developers to control various aspects of their games. Values encompass:

  • Primitive Values: These include numbers, strings, and booleans, which serve as the building blocks for calculations, text display, and conditional logic in your game.

  • Objects: More complex data types such as instances, vectors, UDim and UDim2, enums, Color3, and BrickColor. These are used for tasks like positioning, movement, UI design, game logic, graphics, and data storage.

Using Values

Values are utilized extensively in Roblox Studio through scripting for a wide range of tasks:

  • Positioning and Movement: Values like vectors are used to specify object positions and control character movement within the 3D game world.

  • User Interface (UI) Design: UI elements rely on values like UDim and UDim2 to adapt to different screen sizes and resolutions.

  • Game Logic: Booleans and enums are essential for controlling game logic, such as character animations and state management.

  • Graphics and Visuals: Color values (Color3 and BrickColor) are used to set object colors and create visually appealing game environments.

  • Data Storage: Strings and numbers are employed to store and retrieve game data, such as player scores, progress, and high scores.

  • Interactions: Values are used to detect and respond to player interactions, such as button clicks, item pickups, and event triggers.

In summary, Attributes are a part of the instance they are assigned to. You never need to wait for them to replicate or traverse the instance hierarchy to find them. They are there as soon as you need them.

You can view all Attributes on an instance at once, unlike a value object which only supports a single value and therefore you must look at each individually.

In terms of performance, the difference is mostly negligble with a few exceptions:

  • Attributes take up less memory on your device
  • Attributes are approximately 18x faster to create dynamically
  • Attributes approximately 240x faster to delete

As this features continues to evolve you can expect additional behavior to become available which sets them further apart from value objects.

Roblox Group :

image @Typelnt


ngl if the attribute interface was faster to type I’d use it 100%.


You can easily create a module that facilitates the easy creation, modification, or retrieval of attributes

The tutorial name is Attributes vs. values but not What are Attributes and values, it should show which is better in what scenario and which is better in others.

Otherwise, you can change the title to avoid misunderstanding


Is this talking about Values as in instance values or like the data types in scripts?

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If you have read the full post, you should be able to understand that this is a beginner’s guide. It mostly includes definitions, and you can find the actual compressions in the summary.


Sorry for the unclear explanation, but ‘values’ is referring to the instance values.

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Great tutorial I really appreciate the work you did for this!

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Personally, which one would you recommend to use? I mean, I really don’t know how “professional” it is to use attributes, is it practical? I would appreciate if you could suggest some cases for using attributes.

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Consider this option: FastValue a replacement for Value Instances that is better than Remotes and Bindables

Which one do you mostly prefer in my case attributes or values
(I’m currently making a Job System and I have a custom player list gui by the way)

The library really changed since then so please fix your reply.

Very Interesting, but the two seem to serve almost identical purposes. I’m wondering, why would I ever use a boolean attribute, when I can give it a BoolValue child instead? Or, vice versa?

Is there any reason or situation where you’d use one over the other, or is it just a matter of personal preference?

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Well, then I will delete the reply if you were offended by it.

This cleared up the majority of my questions. Thanks for taking the time to write this out 1 year ago!