Auction Off Alpha Update 1.2! New Ui's!

All of the buttons are now functional! How do they look? They are a little bland! This isn’t the finished product!

They are a little bland and not completly done yet! Let me know what you think and what I should add!

What is this game even about? It’s weird…

Its about auctioning things off! And Buying More Stuff! If it fails! It Fails!

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Atleast it’s unique than most other games. Not really expecting this to go really big though.

It might not! But im gonna try to make it go big! I Won’t stop until its doing good!


I think you should use the new UICorner to make your buttons more round. Also you should turn on the ignoreguilnset property for your background. It makes it so your background goes above the top bar and covers the whole screen.
Other than that each background feels like a copy and paste with different colors and a new name. Each one should probably have something unique to it.

How do i turn on IngoreGuilnset?

You go to the properties of the actual gui, and you’ll see the selection box to enable it

They look ok, however two things I would suggest are:

  1. There is a little green border line at the top of every Ui. I would remove that or make it the same (or a little darker of a) color than the main frame.

  2. I also suggest not showing us your Ui’s until they are fully finished. I think doing that will allow us to give you better feedback instead of saying things that you were probably going to fix anyways.

Anyhow, these are just my suggestions! I like the retro-simplistic style of them!

you go to the property section on the screen gui, and there is the property.