Audio being very low

Hello, so I am working on a small side game, and basically, the audio plays but is very low, i’ve checked my volume, and ive seen this happen on other games recently, it this just me? or is something wrong with roblox?

This could possible your computer, but on the other hand, it could be the game, to fix it go to the sound “Properties” and go to volume and make it to 2 or higher!

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I tried that, and I doubt it’s my pc, some roblox games it works on, but like any other site my volume always works 100% of the time.

Then I can not think of a fix, this could be a possible new Roblox bug.

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Is the sound inside a part possibly?

It’s inside workspace. which usually just spreads it around the whole server, but letme go test. Also just to add it is normal in studio, but not in game

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So just tried different audios, and tried to redo it, but nothing changed, it only happens in the game, but when testing in studio its fine.

The sound should be inside the “SoundService” area in the workspace. Make sure to max out the volume to 10!

It was maxed to 10, and it only let you barely hear it. and this was tested by several of my friends who also said they could not hear it.

Can you please send us screenshots of the sound properties and your workspace?

image image

The sound won’t play in SoundService unless the property was already set to “playing” before starting studio. It needs to be in workspace to hear it.

Are you able to hear the audio when you press the green arrow on the preview area?

Yes, I can hear it fine when I do that, and in testing in studio, it is very low when it is being played in the real game

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Roblox fixed it. Must of been a Roblox Bug