Audio emitter distance attenuation property editor does not display correct axis characters


The axis characters display wrong idk what else to say

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Hi, thanks for the report. Does this happen for any other editors in Roblox? eg if you open the Animation Editor, does everything there show up correctly?

The animation editor and all the other graph editors like colorsequences all work fine, its just the attentuation editor that is broken

I have that bug too.It happens only one of my games. I copy pasted my audio system(audioplayer,audioemitter,wires,parts etc.) from one of my games to another.

Interesting, can you send the place file in which the issue occurs? I can see if it happens on my end as well.

Hi, we activated a fix that should address this issue. Let us know if it’s still happening!

The issue is fixed, thanks for the help!

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