Audio Events, New Animation Events but for sounds



"Hmm, what we have Animation Events but no Sound Events? :thinking: "
~ ItzMrRatsP

Alright, But really, why we don’t have something like “Sound Events”? Well… It doesn’t matter anymore!
Because I’ve made something that could replace this cool feature for now :cool:

Introducing Audio Events !!
An alternative for the Sound Events, Which we don’t have on roblox, yet…

How To Use

  • First, And most importantly… Import the module :smile_cat:
  • Alright now put the module in ReplicatedStorage
  • Now, listen carefully, or watch carefully… Now create LocalScript or Script and then you simply require the Module you just imported.

Here is an example of how to use this module

local Sound : Sound =
local TimeEvents: {[string]: {Time: number, Value: string}} = {
	["Test"] = {Time = 5, Value = "Test"},
	["Play"] = {Time = 10, Value = "Play"},
	["Argue"] = {Time = 15, Value = "Test"}

local AudioEvents = require(, TimeEvents)

AudioEvents:GetMarkerReachedSignal("Argue"):Connect(function(Value: any)


Early 2025

  • Create Plugin for the Module so Its easier to use and Its more of automated process than manual process.

  • Improve on the Module, Also find better way to do Events instead of having table of Time Events.


Plugin (Early 2025)
Get Module


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  • Data Orientated House for LemonSignal

Forgot to add this in, But you can use Destroy to destroy the events, Meaning after using Destroy nothing will be called, Because all of the events will be cancelled and all the connections will be disconnected.

Update 1.1 will come with plugin, So you won’t have hard time timing stuff :cool:

Aren’t the sounds supposed to be linked to other things, such as animations, as opposed to the other way around? Is there a specific use case you had to make this?

Yes, For example your music have some thunder sfx in it but you don’t have that specific sound effect as an separated audio format.

So you will check what time the thunder happens and boom, You make the screen go :sun_with_face:

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