Audio Moderation - 2X compression recording not acceptable?

This post has been republished in the right category. Sry for the feeling of duplicates.

Something weird happened to me the other day. I was uploading a compressed audio (2X recording) and it was refused on the basis that my audio was not “understandable”. It surely is understandable but just playing faster if you don’t compensate the player speed.

This audio will be used in my game, will be played at the correct speed and it seems to me that it respects all moderation regulations.

Anyone had that problem?


Stay Creative

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it might because its compressed its sounds weird.
maybe try uploading the uncompressed audio (more robux but probably won’t get moderated).

nothing you can do about it then DM @Mod_Review_Requests

Thanks for the info, I already did. I just wanted to be recorded on the developper board for other who might experience the same.


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