I recently published new audio files to the site, and I pasted the rbxassetid into a “Sound” object under StarterGui. It loaded in and correctly displayed the .TimeLength value of the sound. However, when I click the green play button from studio, or try to play it from a script (both in command bar and live test scripts), there is no response.
I pasted the same .SoundId to another sound object in another game I’ve created a while back, and the sound plays perfectly fine. The working sound object is also parented to StarterGui.
Does anyone know what the problem could be? Thanks.
If you have recently published it to the site, the audio must be in waiting for Moderation.
You will be able to play that Audio after it has passed Moderation.
Let me rephrase, by “recently” I mean within the last 24-36 hours. This should be plenty of time for a moderation check, right?
Not sure, maybe wait for some more time. if it doesn’t, then email Roblox Staff.
Did you run the sound:Play()
Yes. Also tried setting .PlayOnRemove to true and :Destroy(). Both won’t work on “broken” game.
Maybe a studio bug? Or any Malicious Scripts or any Malicious objects in old place?
Judging by the fact that the sound works before and not anymore, it didn’t get past moderation(meaning that it wasn’t approved). All assets you create can be seen/listened to in-studio the moment you import them. But, it will not show in-game(on the website) or to team create members until it is moderated and approved. The only other reason is that there is something wrong with your script.
I tried to check your inventory, and find the audios you recently uploaded but you have it on private so i wasn’t able to test them out, my guess? probably the audios you uploaded are copyrighted meaning they didn’t pass the moderation etc etc, just check them in a few hours, from your “My Creations” audio tab, and check if they passed the moderation or not.
The sound is working correctly in the new game now. It seemed like it was approved by moderation, but there also seemed to be a studio bug. However the sound would also fail to play in a live server test. A studio restart fixed the issue.