Audio Play Feature In Develop Tab

Currently the develop tab isn’t very useful for Audio because you can’t preview your audio. However you can from your inventory page. You shouldn’t have to go to a public-facing menu to preview sounds.

Develop Page

Inventory Page


Fixed that for you.
I’d like to see the entire section redone - it loads insanely slowly (about 3s) for me and the ability to quickly sort/group/edit/view assets is non existent.

Onto the suggestion at hand;
The audio page not having a preview can be pretty frustrating. I usually just enter the sound in Studio and use the preview there now. It’s more informative if you need to know the length of a sound.

I’ve just created two additional feature requests haven’t I?

Now that sounds are discoverable in Studio, have you considered previewing your sounds in the Toolbox instead of the develop page?

No, I have not tried this. Good to know that this is possible though :open_mouth:

The issue is that the develop page should be a 1-stop-shop for managing your assets, but it doesn’t support things that are supported by the rest of the website. My use case here was asset management, and I had multiple assets and I was going to play the sounds to figure out which sound I was looking for, but I had to open a new page to play each one.

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I agree that the develop page lacks functionality. Our long term vision is to migrate most asset management functionality to Studio (e.g. uploading sounds should occur in Studio) to simplify developer workflow.


Dude that’d be awesome! I know on days when I do UI stuff I spent at least 15 minutes total uploading, waiting for dev page, refreshing, opening in a new tab, copying the link, then inserting all my images. That’d cut out so much stuff!

I think the best way (for me) to do it (not that you guys are planning on it anytime soon) would be to let us drag an image from Windows straight into a ImageLabel.Image or whatnot property.


This was added to “Features For Voting” on the trello. :wink: