Audio playing on Website/Studio, not in-game | Audio permissions

With the new Audio Privacy update, not all audio/sounds uploaded to a group will have permissions to play in an experience.

If an audio has passed Roblox moderation and is able to be played on the website and in studio, or if you are receiving this error in your Developer Console, this resource may be relevant for you:

Try using the script below in the studio command bar in the main place of the experience that you are having this issue. You will need edit permissions on the audio/the group that has uploaded the audio to give it permission to play.

-- Dhammapada, 2022

-- This is an alternative to the audio discovery plugin since it relies on Sound class instances already created in the experience, where as in this code snippet checks on the assetId directly.

-- You will need to run this in the studio command bar

local checkAsset = {} -- fill this array with the IDs you want to check. example: {"rbxassetid://xxxxxxxx", "rbxassetid://xxxxxxxxx",}

local soundCheck ="Sound", workspace)

soundCheck.Name = "soundCheck"

for i, v in (checkAsset) do

local success, assetData = pcall(function()

soundCheck.SoundId = v



soundCheck:Destroy() -- this cleans up the sound object created. All information will be in Studio Output

Expected Output if assetId is missing permission:

Expected Output if you are missing permission for the audio asset after clicking [ACTION ITEM]:

To review what experiences have permission to use the audio, you can use Configure Audio.

To Configure Audio, you can either visit its website page or replace “assetId” with yours in the url example below;!/general

Below is an example;

I hope this will help those that are having issues with audio.

I also hope that this resource may be relevant if Roblox makes a future audio privacy update that may stop legacy audios from playing in-experiences and that this resource gives a quick script to resolve it.