Audio price should be based on clip length and not a flat rate

An assortment of 10 gunshot effects costs 1000 Robux to upload. This is due to the 100 Robux flat rate instead of price being dictated by the length of an uploaded clip. If the price were based on length, the cost to upload those 10 gunshot effects would be much more reasonable and realistic. We’ve been told that this is something that you don’t like either and that you plan on changing it, but that was a long time ago. I’m no expert, but modifying 100 Robux to rate*clipLength doesn’t seem very difficult. A lot of people here would appreciate it if sound uploading expenses were brought to a reasonable level.

For now you can just smash them together into one file and use TimePosition to play which one you want.

Although appreciated, that’s very ugly and not very fun.

I’d love to be able to spend more to upload 6 minute songs
I think the price should be something like 25 + t

I worked with Tone (he did the majority of the work) on supporting audio uploads. We would have liked to price audio based on length, but it would have involved a substantial amount of work. The sound file would need to be uploaded to the server for the length to be checked, and then stored temporarily until the user chose to pay for the sound. It’s certainly doable though.

Then price it based on the size of the audio file? That’s a rough comparison but it’d be much easier to check since you guys already do that.

There’s only a rough correlation between file size and sound length, and it varies from format to format. And we’d really want to price based on moderation time.

You already know the format, and only have two we can upload at this point, so deducing the length based on the file type and the file size wouldn’t be too much of a challenge, would it? I’d imagine it’d be easier than uploading it to a ROBLOX server temporarily to check the file size.

This feature can feasibly be made. What I was trying to convey is that implementing this feature isn’t as trivial as you might think, which is why we didn’t do it.

Why not like, have the user pay 100 R$, and then refund whatever amount you think could be saved shortly after?

What if the dev wanted to upload a 6 minute song?

So then the simple solution would to be:

1: audio is uploaded, robux are paid.
2: during the audio approval process, the audio length is checked.
3: if it’s say… a 12 minute song, then… idk, 600 robux? (100 robux per 2 minutes)
4: if the user’s funds are too low, the audio does not get uploaded, and the first 100 robux are refunded.
However, there’d be an absolute max length of 20 minutes, to ensure no one’s uploading a 10-hour remix from youtube, and spending 30k robux in the process.

[quote] So then the simple solution would to be:

1: audio is uploaded, robux are paid.
2: during the audio approval process, the audio length is checked.
3: if it’s say… a 12 minute song, then… idk, 600 robux? (100 robux per 2 minutes)
4: if the user’s funds are too low, the audio does not get uploaded, and the first 100 robux are refunded.
However, there’d be an absolute max length of 20 minutes, to ensure no one’s uploading a 10-hour remix from youtube, and spending 30k robux in the process. [/quote]

Having hidden costs isn’t a good thing.

Personally, I think the best thing to do is charge based on file size versus song length. That way it still costs lots of money if you increase the sample rate of a long song so that the song has a short time.