Audio Upload Bug?

I am getting this weird thing where I can’t upload any .ogg audio files into ROBLOX. I am currently on a Mac, and was wondering if the bug is due to my OS.


Can you explain the problem a bit more? What is the Roblox site telling you when you try to upload said files?

When I click browse files and locate my .ogg files, they are greyed out.

Are other common file formats grayed out? (Ex. mp3)

.wav is not greyed out. However, if I click on it, ROBLOX would not let me upload it anyways because it only accepts .ogg and .mp3.

Then I have a theory that I need a Mac power user to verify for me. Web browsers can request a file to be uploaded with a specific filter for a file format. I believe one of these filters is intended for audio media, as I’ve opened a dialog in windows with said specific name. Maybe MacOS just doesn’t acknowledge ogg as an audio file type in it’s dialog boxes.

Your browser probably has no file type association for the audio/ogg MIME type. On the Mac, I think most of the major browsers trust associations that Mac OS has set up. Try doing Get Info (Cmd-I) on one of your ogg files in the Finder and setting the Open With application to something (VLC, Audacity, anything that supports ogg). Then, possibly after a browser restart, see if you can select them. If that doesn’t work, your browser might have a preferences or config option to manually map extensions to MIME types, where you could add .ogg mapping to audio/ogg.

The Roblox website’s file selection dialog box is passed a filter of “audio/*” which means anything your browser recognizes as a file with an extension corresponding to an audio file MIME type. On Windows there is an “All Files” dropdown to bypass this filter, I don’t recall if there is anything like that on the Mac (possibly browser dependent).

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