Audio upload error: Audio file type not supported

Audio upload has been moved over to asset manager in Roblox Studios.

I tried uploading mp3 files through the asset manager in Roblox, but it outputs back that the file type is not supported. Is this an internal issue/bug on Roblox’s side, or is there something I’m missing?


Here is the file I’m attempting to upload.

Most of the time, when this problem occurs, it’s because the file was not originally a supported file. If the file format is just renamed, not converted from, let’s say sound.wav to sound.mp3, most modern devices/applications that recognize those file types will have no problem with playing it. But you should make sure that it was properly converted and not just renamed. Some online “converters” might just rename it.


Thanks for the clarification! Turns out that the application I downloaded the files from didn’t convert them properly. So I used an online converter to convert those files to mp3.