All of my audio upload’s length end up being 0. I have no idea why and I have tried re-formatting my files, including converting my original mp3s to ogg. Studio still shows the audio length being 0.
The audios look like as if they are already past moderation.
Edit: Copyrighted audios are removed having a length of 0 and with a description change, however all the audios have been past moderation and still have a 0 length. Which looks to me as if the audio is being uploaded with a greater than 0 length, is moderated, and still not playable.
I uploaded an audio long ago, and its audio length is still 0 to this day. It kinda looks like Roblox doesn’t like my audio uploads lol. I am having the same problem you have.
Hi, as an update, new uploaded audio should have their duration correctly displayed after a few minutes. I will provide another update once we fix the duration on the older assets.