Audio Upload Length 0

All of my audio upload’s length end up being 0. I have no idea why and I have tried re-formatting my files, including converting my original mp3s to ogg. Studio still shows the audio length being 0.

The audios look like as if they are already past moderation.

Edit: Copyrighted audios are removed having a length of 0 and with a description change, however all the audios have been past moderation and still have a 0 length. Which looks to me as if the audio is being uploaded with a greater than 0 length, is moderated, and still not playable.

Group MachineSquad - Roblox

Audio ID’s affected: 15541334393 15526364849 15518762219 15518760683 15518759179 15518757333 15518755333 15518752192 15518750190 15518748172 15518745693 15518742679 15518740505 15518738425 15518735825


I uploaded an audio long ago, and its audio length is still 0 to this day. It kinda looks like Roblox doesn’t like my audio uploads lol. I am having the same problem you have.

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Most likely, this is because Roblox considers these songs to be copyrighted and does not allow them to be published

Can you still play them normally (ingame, studio, website)?

Not possible at all from what I have tried.

I have tried publishing an uncopyrighted track straight from my friend who does music designing, still uploaded with 0 length.

Hi, as an update, new uploaded audio should have their duration correctly displayed after a few minutes. I will provide another update once we fix the duration on the older assets.

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