Nice! I’ve never seen anyone open-source an audio visualizer so I’m excited about this.

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The new version 2.0 does use Tween Service for the object movement. It use for creating movement smoothly.

But can i send you my refined version of your module?"

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I really gotta vouch just on the showcase of this, might use if I come back to Roblox scripting

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sure you can I will check it out. What did u change :slight_smile: ?

yes you can, but you need to add new sound instance and when you do .play() make sure the first parameter is the sound instance

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Hey there sorry about that I just updated the place. Now it should work. I was using different notation : instead of the updated one .

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Could you tell me the bugs so I am able to fix it?

Does the place work now? is there any bugs? :slight_smile: pls let me know I want to improve this, and in the future I will add this new MESH visualizer

I won’t be able to check for a bit, apologies.

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I’ll use it for a party game where I’m working on

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@Ashp116 I tested this out in studio but it does not seem to work. I could just be getting confused about the instruction. Do you use discord or anything for easier communication about this?

Hi @Dxrkzc,

So the problem was that ROBLOX moderated the song. So nothing was playing that’s why the bars were not moving. If you were wondering what the song was called, it was. NCS-Faded. It 's ironic because NCS is No Copyright Songs, but Roblox took it down ¯_(ツ)_/¯


I have a problem where at the end when a song fades the levels bars start to go down for some reason. Is there a way to fix this? Thank you.

Is there a way to rotate this on the y axis? I tried to rotate it in the script but it rotated each individual piece instead of all of them as a whole, they still line up one way. Also this is my first reply and I hope I am doing this properly. I appreciate any reply!

This is what I changed on line 6:

StartingOrientation =, 0, 0)
StartingOrientation =, 90, 0)

so I would suggest you rotate the model. The StartingOrientation is for individual bars.


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Could you elaborate on the problem

How would i get rid of the bars if i only want to visualize an object?

Could you elaborate on “visualize an object”

This is cool, but you keep updating and losing compatibility, just try to keep it