Audio/asset sharing with entire group library - global sharing

When creating multiple games under the same group, the only way to share audio permissions is by adding individual universe ID’s.

This can be very time consuming when you need to share 100+ audio clips with a game and a testing place, having to go back and add an additional ID to share audio clips to the test game.

There is an option in the game output to click to grant permission to the asset, however this fails most of the time in my experience.

I propose to be able to share audio with your group as well, so that any experience in that group will have full permissions to any audio uploaded by that group.

This would help speed up the process of getting back to creating!

Thank you for your consideration!


This has been mentioned to be the final product for the sharing feature by Roblox. I’d make sure to read the announcement about it before making posts in the future :smile:

This seems like an interesting idea; I’m not sure whether they’ll add more permission options or if it’ll just be the universe ID option and the blanket public permission (once they bring it back).

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