Audit Logs Showing in Wrong Order

It’s probably a bug but I cannot yet post to there.

Group audit logs seem to be showing in ascending order (oldest first, on page 1) instead of descending order (newest logs first, on page 1). Happens 100% of the time and refreshing the page doesn’t do anything.

I tried it out on two groups I own, and in both cases, the logs are displayed incorrectly. There should be logs from 2023 or literally the last few hours on the first page, instead, the oldest ever logs are on the first page.

Audit logs have always, as far to my understanding, been shown in descending order: newest first. Not sure why this is occurring.



I just had the same thing happen to me, I freaked out thinking that all the logs had been deleted.


you showed the answer at the end :confused:

also I got it, ROBLOX PLEASE FIX IT!!! :confused:

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EDIT: Now resolved! This shouldn’t happen now.

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