AUG A3 Animations

Based from L4D2 Reload but this time it’s AUG A3
Still using the same sound but not Reloading sound =3

For some reason i RE-Uploaded because of 60FPS Problem

NOTE: “bluric_64bit” is my main account
i use this acc to associate with people because of how roblox allows you to use one acc only and please don’t get fooled by Display Name at the leardboard


Looks great! love the way you made the gun shake a bit when you take out and insert the magazine. My only suggestion would be recoil animation, I don’t think that type of gun would shake that violently when rapid-firing. Unless its FOV or based off an animation with that much recoil, I would tone it down a bit. Other than that, great job!

Prett nice! But I would make the scope to, you know, scope. Not change the FOV, but to make it look through the scope? 9/10