Aurora Salon 1st Meeting Guides: How To Make Aurora Salon a Bigger and Better Group!

These are the guides of our 1st Aurora Salon Meeting:

Date And Time Of Meeting: Saturday, July 12, 2020 @ 4:00 PM EST (1:00 PM PST)

Note that you need to copy and paste the "/e" so it doesn't chat your admin command.

The Host (Blox) Will Say The Following:

/e ;sm Hi, Welcome to our 1st Aurora Salon meeting!

/e ;sm I'm Blox, and I'll be the host of this meeting! Next to me is Maddie, our wonderful Co-Host!
/e ;sm Today's Topic Is:
/e ;sm How To Make Aurora Salon a Bigger and Better Group!
/e ;sm Now to my Co-Host Maddie and she will explain what we will be doing today!

The Co-Host (Maddie) Will Say The Following:

/e ;sm Hi, I’m Maddie, your Co-Host!

/e ;sm Here is what we will be doing today!:
/e ;sm 1st, Blox and I will say our ideas for the salon. After that, we'll let you all share yours! Let's begin!
/e ;sm So, now to our host Blox. He'll share what he did to help the salon.

The Host (Blox) Will Say The Following:

/e ;m We all know about the problem where ranks below hair dryer cannot view shout, post wall, or view wall.

/e ;m Free ranking everyone wouldn't really help as we'd mess everything up.
/e ;m So, I made a list (via the Roblox Dev Forum) that shows everybody's real ranks and ranked all customers to hair dryer. (This was with Adri's permission.)
/e ;m Now, we know everybody's real ranks and they can view shout and wall, so we don't have a huge rank mess!
/e ;sm Now to our Co-Host, Maddie, and she'll share her ideas to help the salon!

The Co-Host (Maddie) Will Say The Following:

/e ;m I had /// ideas to help the salon! Here they are:

/e ;m My 1st thing is hosting trainings.
/e ;m My 2nd is to keep doing meetings so members can get an update and we can keep sharing ideas!
/e ;m Lastly, my 3rd thing to help the salon is to try to contact Molly if possible.
/e ;sm Now to our host Blox for the last part of our meeting!

The Host (Blox) Will Say The Following:

/e ;sm Hi again! This is Blox! Now, it’s time for you guys to share your ideas! Come up to me (Blox) if you want to share ideas for the salon!

The Host (Blox) Will Write The Ideas Down. :wink::smile:

After the ideas are finished the Co-Host says the following:

/e ;sm Well that’s it for today’s meeting! If you’ like, stay and we’ll play a game!

These guides were made by @Bloxy_0001.

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