"auth" header must be a string

I’m trying to update a github file using httpservice.
Github has two authorization parameters: Username, and Token.
Whenever I try to specify these in a header I get the error:

Header "auth" must have its value be a string!

The headers part of my code:

Headers = {
	["auth"] = {"Username",key},
	["Content-Type"] = "application/json",

As far as I know, GitHub uses an Authorization header with the user’s token, like this:

Headers = {
    ["authorization"] = "Bearer " .. key,
    ["content-type"] = "application/json"

But, if you need to use the auth header, you must first turn it into a JSON string, like this:

Headers = {
    ["auth"] = HttpService:JSONEncode({"Username", key}),
    ["content-type"] = "application/json"