Authentication API

Hello everyone,

I was recently looking at the list of API endpoints and, I found some API which require player authentication. Could someone guide me to some resources which explains the methods to get a user authenticated, or help me to do the same.

I have tried looking for this and have tried to understand the API by testing and playing around with it but I got no where closer, I also found

Any help here would be appreciated!

Which APIs are you looking at?

This resource is useful for connecting with Datastore Cloud APIs

Hello @akp4 ,

If you talking about the internal API’s that Roblox have (which I am guessing from looking at the post you linked and from you saying user authentication) then you require to set the Roblox cookie and a x-csrf-token. The cookie should stay valid for quite a while (unless you do something such as logging out or logging into the bot from a different region then the cookie was generated) however the x-csrf-token has a very short lifespan and can only be used once (on the top of my head I can’t remember how long the token lifespan is before it becomes invalid) so to generate a new one you basically just need to send a request to any of the API endpoints to get a new one.

I recommend checking out my tutorial which explains it very well (or at least I think it does) and it also goes about it step by step: How to use the Roblox web API endpoints!

I would also recommend checking out what @therightgame3 has said which is the OpenCloud API’s which are very useful due to the annoying life of having to deal with cookies becoming invalid especially with the security update where cookies get invalidated if the region it is used in is not the same then where it was generated. The only current issue with the OpenCloud is there is currently only a small amount of API’s and lots of them are not yet on the OpenCloud.

Let me know if you need any more help or have any questions!

This helped me quiet a lot, I’ll try looking at the documentation and the resources provided and create what I intend to make. Thanks for the help.

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