Authentication Roblox and Roblox Studio Bug

Can also confirm issue is seemingly solved.

Seems like it’s been fixed. Thanks all for the help and support!

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Seems like it’s been half fixed for me, I’m finding that team-create games won’t connect.

I’m having this issue now a year later.

When entering any of my places, whether a new template or a place that already existed, there’s about a 1 in 2 chance that I will get this error and nothing except for the Camera appears under Workspace.



To reproduce…

  • Open up a place through Studio’s home page. There is a good chance that you will stumble upon this error. If not, try reloading the place again. It usually takes a few tries to work.

Sorry, apparently it might’ve only been me and it was happening because I was testing out a feature in one other place that was open which was spamming web requests from Roblox so it might’ve just been because of that.


You’ll want to file a new bug report with sufficient details and repro steps (yours aren’t actionable – can’t repro myself). This is in Engine Bugs, and the error messages are clearly different from the first post here.