Only letting me load into Roblox servers like 1/10 times. Will not let me use Roblox studio at all and will just tell me that I need to log in again with an error, “Failed to connect to remote servers, please make sure the device is connected to the Internet. Studio will be running in offline mode”, will load studio then says, “An error has occurred while loading the place. Please close the place and try again. If this error persists then please contact customer support”.
Some side information: Currently located in Ontario, Canada with the ISP: Rogers.
I have managed to take a picture of one of the windows errors I have been receiving when loading a Roblox game:
Another photo of the bug I’m currently experiencing attempting to play a Roblox game:
This bug is happening nonstop, just recently started happening. Loading into a Roblox game just gives me a kick message, "Can’t join place ID: HTTP 400 (Cannot join the game with no authenticated user.) (Error code:610)
Not sure if this issue is happening to others but talked with a few people and they are having similar issues. Tried restarting my internet multiple times and did absolutely nothing. And happens in every game I try to load into, and every studio I try to load into.
Canadian checking in with the exact same symptoms.
I’m currently on Rogers internet and located in Ontario. I’ve noticed that switching to a VPN solves the issue, even if it’s still based out of my province. So, it’s quite possibly connected to the ISP?
Aha of-course. I’m not sure what else to do at this point. I’m stuck developing on Roblox Studio using a VPN for now. Cannot load into any games using the VPN though.
Seems very odd that Rogers hasn’t seen some sort of error in their systems blocking connection to Roblox Servers. I’ve personally never experienced this issue before this and don’t know how long it will take them/ or if they will even notice until I suppose we all start calling them. First thing I’ll do tomorrow is give them a quick call.