Authentication with the Roblox Api

I’m trying to fetch ( /v1/games/{placeId}/private-servers ) found on this Swagger
( Swagger UI ) click the top right and set Games Api v1. However I’m getting a “MethodNotAllowed” return and I’m unsure how to authenticate via the api.


MethodNotAllowed means you are using the wrong method to access the endpoint

The endpoint is a GET request

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Whops I was using a POST request, however even after switching to a GET request I get the message “Guest users are not allowed”.

You need to provide a ROBLOSECURITY cookie

Requires authentication

Does roblox insert the ROBLOSECURITY cookie under the body or header?


Header Name: Cookie

Replace KEY with roblosecurity

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Thank you, I was able to retrieve the server information.

If someone else comes across this here is my final code:

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