Auto-complete is Unusable

More than half the time it never appears. When it does, it’s delayed up to 2 seconds

Pressing enter just clears the window and doesn’t actually auto complete. Continuing to type does not get it to re-appear.

For the past 2 months this feature has become more and more unusable to the point where I’m considering turning it all off. Does anyone at Roblox actually use Studio? This is embarrassingly bad.


Thank you for the bug report. This behavior generally occurs when a script or codebase is hitting the edge of what Autocomplete can typecheck within its timeout. We are actively working on improving this behavior (particularly the ‘pressing enter’ part). Could you send in a repro case?

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Does not happen to me. You sure it isn’t one of your studio settings?

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Studio auto-complete was always horribly slow for me and it’s only purpose is really to type in the repetitive names.

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Oh, so that means that’s not only for me.
But yeah it’s so buggy.

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Happens in all of our projects. Cannot provide repro without giving you the entire game file

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How large is the script? Does it require any large modules, especially any large modules which are part of a circular dependency?

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No circular dependency. This one specifically is definitely a large codebase with a lot of types and modules. We’ve had a few instances where we went over the type limit before they were raised. This issue also occurs in another project with significantly less types and modules.

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It has now reached the point auto complete and intellisense are completely non-functional. Our codebase has not significantly increased in size. Error/type checking has stopped working. Script editor has turned into notepad with syntax highlighting lol

Sorry for the long delay. We lost this ticket. But we believe that this has been greatly improved. Let us know if this is still happening.

I’m having issues with the autocomplete/intellisense. It works for me in other games but not working in a specific game of mine. What can I do? (‘Enable Autocomplete’ is on in settings, I’ve tried reinstalling studio as well, nothing seems to work)

Unfortunately my studio has gotten to this point too. I’ve tried resetting my settings, reinstalling studio, and clearing its files.
My codebase is incredibly empty. Autocomplete seems to work in a blank baseplate though.