Auto-Controlled Aircraft Guidance

I’m working on an Autopilot/Auto-controlled aircraft and need some help with the guidance system. Currently, I’m having issues with the Position Guidance where the aircraft behaves unpredictably and unreliably when attempting to guide towards a target Vector3 Position, almost moving randomly. This is of course made a lot more difficult since I am attempting to rotate the aircraft using an AngularVelocity.

This is the main part of the code

local com = script.Parent.Parent.CentreOfMass
local aiControl = script.Parent.Parent.AI_CONTROL

local function controlSurfaceGuidance(roll, pitch, yaw)
	aiControl.AI_ROLL.Value = roll
	aiControl.AI_PITCH.Value = pitch
	aiControl.AI_YAW.Value = yaw

local function positionGuidance()
	local currentPosition = com.Position
	local currentLookVector = com.CFrame.LookVector

	-- Calculate direction
	local directionToTarget = (aiControl.AI_NAV.Value - currentPosition).Unit

	-- Calculate roll
	local rightVector = com.CFrame.RightVector
	local rollDifference = directionToTarget:Dot(rightVector)
	local rollControl = math.clamp(-rollDifference * 2, -1, 1)

	-- Calculate pitch
	local verticalDifference = directionToTarget:Dot(, 1, 0)) - currentLookVector:Dot(, 1, 0))
	local pitchControl = math.clamp(-verticalDifference * 2, -1, 0) -- Avoid pitching down

	-- Apply roll and pitch
	controlSurfaceGuidance(rollControl, pitchControl, 0)

	-- Check if the aircraft is close
	if (aiControl.AI_NAV.Value - currentPosition).Magnitude <= 5 then
		print("Target Position Reached")

while wait() do

The positionGuidance() function gives 3 axes values which are put in to the controlSurfaceGuidance() function to assign those values to 3 Number values clamped between -1 and +1. Those 3 Number values are then put into the code for the AngularVelocity which isn’t included above, but you get the gist. The rotation code works fine, just the calculations of how to turn the aircraft.