Auto-Loading Catalog Items

I’m am creating an avatar editor system and I have one issue. I want to auto-load Roblox website catalog accessories like Hats, Hairs or Shirts. Currently, I’m using a module script and getting ids from there.

I’ve looked all around the DevForum and I cannot find anything similar to my topic.

I have just been using a module script to get ids and names it works fine, but there aren’t many shirts or pants, and I’ve been manually adding them and it is very time-consuming.

Any help would be appreciated. Thank you for reading! :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

Hmm… I know there are auto-rank bots for clothing groups. I don’t remember their names and can’t seem to find them either, but you can dive into it, and maybe find a way to get items from the catalog. I know something that has those functions exists, i just can’t find it anymore… i’m sorry haha.