I’ve been developing a plugin, and for the last 24 hours I’ve been warned/banned already for trying to upload icons for the it.
I get an error “could not load image” I’d try to re-upload, and I get this warning/banned for 1 day message. And this already happened the second time.
What if auto moderation was somehow lighter for verified players? And if it already is, is there a program I don’t know about I could join? This is so annoying. It just kills the momentum. And I’m sure I’m not the only one who’s experienced this already.
The gramps guy is right, I made a grocery store and I made image logos on every item on the shelf. I gotten ban for up to 3 days for uploading off-brand items several times. Roblox support sometimes don’t listen but it’s the only few solutions. The alt account is the best way to avoid temporally bans.