Auto Rank Script

Hey guys.So many games have a store which sells their group ranks for example. Become co owner of group = 100 roux.Like that, does anyone know how to make a script like that?

If they buy gamepass they should really get auto ranked rather than manually ranking them.

This will not set player’s role but will only tell u what their current role is.

You will have to use noblox.js for that: Introduction – noblox.js API Reference
You can make it yourself and host it on VPS or pay someone to make it for you.

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This isn’t what OP is asking for at all.

You’ll need to create a web service that interacts with Roblox to rank people when certain criteria is met. This will include having to learn the fundamentals of another language (Node.js is probably your best shot because there is a few existing Roblox js api’s that are open sourced.)

I am assuming they use webhooks on discord to get information regarding who bought what. Either they rank manually or the use a bot to do that.

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This could also work but couldn’t really be automated unless the server receiving the webhook had a specialized bot to parse we hook messages and then update the players rank in the group.

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You’re probably searching for something like this:

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You would want to check the T&Cs of Roblox, It is likely that a system like that is being prevented for a reason.

As it is I do not recommend what you are trying to do but if you are using purchases to give ranks they should be in game effects rather than a group.

Http Service does not allow access to the Roblox web addresses for a reason and you cant set roles in game. I would advise against this system you are trying to create.

You could try to use Discord as a means of communication and ranking as others have recommended.

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Yeah but if a player does a thing in game.How does it reach discord and how discord ranks the player itself or by https glitch.

You could make a web service, using noblox.js. There is documentation and many tutorials as to how to do it.

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