Auto-save glitch

I was building a grocery store model just now, and an auto recovery file began to save, but it immediately started glitching, and now i literally can’t do anything. I don’t want to close the application, because i haven’t manually saved in some time. What should i do, and how do i prevent this from happening again?


lmk if this is the incorrect category for this topic

Edit: shortly after this topic was created, this message showed up.


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Maybe some operative of your PC has been glitched out?
Restart your PC maybe

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It hasn’t seemed to glitch out similarly since doing this. Thank you!

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There was a Studio bug report that I posted about the auto-save function breaking. They corrected the issue about two weeks ago and it’s been fine ever since.


I was working on a bridge yesterday, I got a message to disable auto-save if it failed. I turned off auto save. A few minutes later, it said that it failed to auto save again. I do my stuff on studio on an iMac.

This is what it says (black part in the first picture is censored due to personal reasons)

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