[Solved] Studio auto-save does not always work


Intermittently, the auto-save function of Studio is non-functional. In other words, sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn’t. This can be a problem if the recovery file isn’t being created and something happens such as a power outage which can cause a loss of work.

Additional Information

Parameter Value
Problem Area Studio
Problem Component Auto-Save
First Noticed 29 Feb 2024
Priority High
Impact Major
Annoyance Level Minor

The beta features that I have enabled are as follows:

  • Notched Screen Support
  • Notification Overhaul
  • Updated Docking System
  • Updated Roblox Controls

As for plugins, I have a bunch that are installed, but very few are enabled. The ones that are enabled are listed below with links to their details page on the Roblox store website:


What I expect to happen is that Studio saves my work to a recovery file at the configured time interval.


No auto-save for extended period even though it’s enabled.

Studio Settings


Unknown, however it may be related to putting the computer to sleep while Studio is open.

A private message is associated with this bug report

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Hey! It is autosave’s known behavior that if you made no edits in the 5 minute interval, studio will not attempt the save. Can you confirm that you have made changes before studio missed an autosave?

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@GeneralTso58 Actually, I am aware of the behavior. I was actively writing code during those intervals and it did in fact miss the autosave.

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@GeneralTso58 I have more information.

The auto-save seems to have broke around 20:07. The only thing that really changed on the system for Studio in that time frame was opening another Studio session at 20:09 for a different place. As shown, the auto-save was working normally up until then.

I’m going to attach the logs to a private message.

Private Message: https://devforum.roblox.com/t/studio-auto-save-does-not-always-work/2867804

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Hi. i am not able to see this private message. can you DM the log to me? sorry for the inconvenience

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I just invited you to the private message over at Bug Report Files. You should have an invite then you can view them.


Do you remember which log file corresponds to this particular instance?

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I know that the first two are the latest of the sessions in question. I added the others as a just in case. The issue seems to be relatively consistent. It seems that auto-save works right up until a second Studio session is started, then auto-save breaks. This is even after the update yesterday.

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This is interesting. I haven’t been able to repro on my end when I open two sessions. But i am looking.

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It could be something else triggering it and opening a second session is just coincidence. But I’ve seen it happen twice.

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It did it again, but I did not open two sessions, so that was just a strange coincidence. However, I did have the window split with different source files open in different panes. I have added new information to the private message for your inspection. The new information consists of a screen shot of the full studio session, and the associated log file.

The beta features that I have enabled are as follows:

  • Notched Screen Support
  • Notification Overhaul
  • Updated Docking System
  • Updated Roblox Controls

As for plugins, I have a bunch that are installed, but very few are enabled. The ones that are enabled are listed below:

To my knowledge, there hasn’t been any changes/updates to the plugins. Although the default Roblox plugins are always active. I probably should have put this information in the original report, but it didn’t seem relevant at the time. I have also updated the original report to include this information.


I had another long Studio session, and I had docked/split windows and auto-save worked correctly. At this point, I am unable to correlate any actions that I’m taking that might break auto-save. When I restarted Studio, after the initial post of this, it worked correctly for hours on end. It’s intermittent, which software isn’t. So there’s some condition or conditions that trigger this bug, but I am at a loss as to which ones are doing it.

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Hi. Thanks for your patience. We believe we have identified the issue and this should have been fixed. Let us know if you are still seeing it. Thanks.

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Thanks. I’ll keep an eye on it. One question though, will the fix be published this Thursday with the normal Studio update?

@GeneralTso58 The auto-save has not failed since the fix was applied a week ago. So at this time, I’m going to mark this as resolved. If it comes up again, I will file a new bug report. Thank you for your time and assistance.

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