Auto-save lag issue?

Hey there,

I’m having an annoying issue on Studio where all my experiences have quite heavy lag when I open them. Even an empty baseplate will run at something like 50 fps, a lot lower than the normal rate.

The weird thing? For SOME reason, when the game auto-saves, the lag seemingly completely disappears, and the game runs in its natural intended state.

I have tried doing a lot of things to fix this issues. Here are my observations:

  1. The lag is a studio thing - it doesn’t happen when playing from Roblox
  2. This issue seems to persist across all my experiences, from what I’ve tested, including auto save back-up files.
  3. Re-installing studio doesn’t fix the problem.
  4. Manually saving doesn’t fix it either.
  5. I’ll need more testing to verify this, but it might be that if it autosaves again, it reverts back to the laggy state.
  6. Closing and reopening studio doesn’t help.
  7. It’s been happening since mid-January.

So, is anyone familiar with the issue? Could it be an issue with my monitor?