Auto-saves should not cancel active property panel inputs

As a Roblox developer, it is currently annoying to use the properties panel when you have your auto-save interval set to a low number.

Whenever studio’s auto-save kicks in while you are interacting with the properties panel, your current input will get cancelled. I believe this also happens for other actions outside of the properties panel, but it is most notable in the properties panel. You may have noticed this when you are typing in a value or selecting a reference object through property fields such as the ‘Parent’ property.

In the video below I am trying to select a Parent right before studio initiates an auto-save. The little spinner icon pops up for only a split second and after that the action is cancelled. I have to click on the Parent field again to restart the action.

I have my auto-save interval set to only 5 minutes because I do not like losing progress in case of a crash. But this also means that every now and then I sometimes accidentally:

  • Delete a UI element because I was hitting ‘backspace’ in some text field. The auto-save cancels the action right before I hit backspace and the backspace key is also used to delete objects.
  • Input the wrong size or position for an object because I wasn’t finished inputting a value before the auto-save cancels the action and the auto-complete finishes the input for me.

If the auto-save would instead quietly run in the background it would improve my development flow because I would make fewer input mistakes caused by the current auto-save behavior. It would also perhaps encourage users to set their auto-save setting to a lower interval, causing less progress to get lost in case of a software crash.


Finally, a request to fix this.

I use the properties panel constantly while developing and I can’t count how many times autosave makes me bash my keyboard because it cancelled me out of typing part colours, material variants, names, what have you.


Finally someone requested this
I could never be bothered


Pretty sure this should be a bug report unless it was labeled as intentional behaviour or Roblox staff have said otherwise. Awesome request though, nonetheless. We need this fixed!