Update: the issue seems to be that the Auto Tangent doesn’t work properly in-game. The curve the Auto Tangent generates in the editor is not saved, and is therefore a different curve when playing the animation in-game.
Original Post:
I’ve made an animation using the Roblox Curve Editor. Unfortunately, it seems that when played in-game, the animations completely break. No, there aren’t any overlapping animations, the animation priority has been set to Action4 (and no other animations have it).
Here is a video of my issue:
This is not the first time this has happened, but this is a much more severe problem, as you could probably tell based on what you see in the video.
After further investigation, I’ve found that the… grid (?) of the animation editor moves with the head. Could this be the issue? How do I disable this?
Does anybody know any solution for this? After many hours of research, all I was able to find is: “don’t use the roblox animation editor,” or “don’t use the curve editor.”
Unfortunately for me, my animations look pretty choppy without the curve editor, and the Cubic easing style is limited to three easing types.
Oh, and for whatever reason if I set the “Interpolation Mode” to Linear in the Curve Editor, the animation works fine! But, it’s not “smooth,” which essentially beats the point of using the Curve Editor in the first place…
try moving the hip heigh up a little bit
this will be a property under the humanoid, since arms and legs have collisions disabled so the hipheight is what makes a taller rig stand correctly without clipping
just mess with it a little bit and it should work
if its not that then set the animation priority to Action3
Thanks for the reply! Sadly, both did not work. HipHeight was set properly (feet. were touching the ground), and I set the animation priority to Action3 (which shouldn’t even matter since no other animations were playing at the time).
nope sadly i havent. ysh02133 was correct, the issue is that the auto tangent does not work/behaves differently in-game. if you remove it, the animation looks the same in game and in the editor, but course it doesnt play properly. for me it would take ages to remove the auto tangent and reanimate without it. so, i think roblox has to do something about this
I’m experiencing the same issue with some gun animations. I made several gun animations with the curve editor (which looks great in the animator plugin) for all of them to be broken in-game.
Setting the tangents to auto did not fix the issues.
Another interesting thing is that curve animations do not work across different rigs. For example, our viewport model is just the arms and upper torso of the player’s character (so the Motor6Ds are matching). Playing curve animations in the editor works great on our view model and the player’s character, but if the curve animation is uploaded from the viewport model, it does not work on the character. Likewise, if it was uploaded from the character, it does not work on the view model.
That issue does not occur with regular animations.
It seems like the curve editor and how curve animations play need some work, and I’m not sure how the curve animator can be considered out of beta with these major issues.
These problems would’ve been nice to know before I wasted several hours on curve animations…
I’ve had the same problem you’re having right now, and I have found a temporary work-around until Roblox fixes it. Though my solution may not be the best one out there, it’s definitely something I’ve found to work in the past. Let me explain what I’ve come up with!
Here is my animation that glitches out whenever it plays. (Sorry for the low quality)
And here is the fixed animation. (This one was slightly edited, so it is longer)
I did this by creating 2 seperate animations, one for the body + head, and one for the arms + hands. For the arms and hands animation, I set the Easing-Style to Linear which fixed the arms glitching out. When played alongside each-other, it looks like one animation!
EDIT: The solution below has worked for me everytime.
Another solution I found was that if you put keyframes in between the main keyframes (if that makes sense) that sometimes helps too.
I hope this helps, please let me know if you have any questions!
It’s because of the character’s primary part being set to head. The animation editor grid rotates relatively to the primary part, change it to the HumanoidRootPart to fix this