Auto train(clicker) help to fix

Hello, I have a script for auto train, that is, an autoclicker, and I would like to change it so that when a local player takes a force in his hands, that is, a tool, only this tool does work for him But I would like it if when a local player takes other tools from him they don’t work

local MarketPlaceService = game:GetService("MarketplaceService")

local gamepassId = 251630884
local OwnsGamepass = false
local function ownsgamepass(userId, gamepassId)
	local s,res = pcall(MarketPlaceService.UserOwnsGamePassAsync, MarketPlaceService, userId, 
	if not s then
		res = false
	OwnsGamepass = res -- You never actually called ownsgamepass. I made it serve a purpose within this script.
	return res

local cps = 360 -- Can be a maximum of 60
local active = false

	active = not active
	script.Parent.Round.ImageColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(234,0,0)
	script.Parent.Text = "Off"

local player = game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer
ownsgamepass(player.UserId, gamepassId)

while true do
	if active and player.Character and OwnsGamepass then -- The player will always exist in a local script.
		script.Parent.Round.ImageColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(0,255,0)
		script.Parent.Text = "On"
		local tool = game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character:FindFirstChildOfClass("Tool")

		if tool then
	-- The script.Parent.MouseButton1Click thing would cause the number of times it fire to increase dramatically over time, so I removed it
	task.wait(30/cps) -- task.wait allows for 1/60 intervals rather than 1/30 intervals
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That is, I want 1 item, the tool, to work and not others.


At the moment, I take any tools in my hands, they will work, but I want 1 tool to work, but I don’t know how to do it, help me do it


You can check if the tool has a specific name.

if tool then
	if tool.Name == "ToolName" then
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I have a question, is it possible to make it so that when you pick up a tool, it works and you can’t turn it off through the settings?

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I have it set up so that you can turn off this type of autoclicker, I want to make it so that it can’t be turned off

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Are you saying for the autoclicker to always be on?

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Yes, I want to do exactly that.

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And can you help me later where to write this script and what kind of script, local or server

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An autoclick script should definetly be client-sided.

Also, to make the autoclicker always stay on, remove these parts of the script:

	active = not active
	script.Parent.Round.ImageColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(234,0,0)
	script.Parent.Text = "Off"
		script.Parent.Round.ImageColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(0,255,0)
		script.Parent.Text = "On"

And remember to set active to true at all times.

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This is not what I wanted, I wanted it so that when a player bought a game pass, the auto train would automatically start working for him.

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Oh, so its automatically turned on once they bought it?


In this case, I would just set active to true at the start of the script.

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Sorry, if you didn’t understand me, I have a game pass shop and when a local player went to buy a pass, he saw a car train and bought it and after the purchase, his power level started to increase, that is, the tool

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Let me send you the pass script of this product and do everything you need in it

After the purchase, auto-pumping began when the player takes the instrument of power into his hands

I’m sorry, your wording is really confusing for me to understand.

Look, I go into the game and see the auto train pass and I buy it and after buying I don’t need anything else, I click on the tool and the auto train starts

That is, the script starts working by itself and there is no need to write off on there, the script just starts working automatically