Autoformat hex colors without needing a #

As a Roblox developer its too annoying to have to keep adding # before hex colors from other programs.

While trying to move colors from other programs to studio such as Illustrator or Photoshop copying the hex codes does not usually contain the # at the start of the hexcode but the text infront of it.

Photoshop color picker Illustrator color picker

In studio pasting these codes without the # at the start causes it to do nothing as Roblox requires the # before text to clarify its a hex color, so you’d need to manually go and add a # at the start of each color code.

I’d like Roblox to function a bit closer to Adobe products, where you can just paste whatever you have copied and it will read it as a color.

Would be a lovely QoL change to anyone who uses hex colors a lot


Yes, yes, yes! Please make this a reality, not only a QoL improvement but also better for a lot of my workflows where I’m constantly copying and pasting colors from style guides or game color palettes.

Very overdue!


Isn’t that just the Windows built-in color picker though?
I don’t use Windows so I’m not completely sure but I’m pretty sure thats more of a Windows issue rather than a Roblox Studio issue.

I’ve seen many people complain about the color picker on Windows lately.


In the video, OP is using the Roblox properties panel to input the hex code, although the Windows color picker also has this issue.

This is a separate feature request.

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I fully support this, It will make RichText easier, like imagine I want to get the hex color code for this <font color="#ffffff">text here</font> and I have to use an external color picker, also why don’t roblox add Color3.HexColor(r : number?, g : number?, b : number?) : string like this:

script.Parent.TextLabel.Text = `<font color="#{Color3.HexColor(255, 255, 255)}">this is a test</font>`
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