Automatic Admin Permissions (Basic Admin Essentials)

Not long ago was my friend asking for support on automatic admin based on group ranks with BA Admin Essentials, I figured many others would and could be struggling with this issue, so I decided to create an article on how to do so.

Getting BA
BA is a type of admin on the Roblox catalog, you can first insert it into your game by opening toolbox in Roblox studio and searching “Basic Admin Essentials” once found, bring it into your game.


  1. You would first want to open it then select the script in it.
    Once you have the script selected, open it. Which will now bring us into our next section.

Now that you’ve got the script open, I can teach you a little about the admin levels, before entering the Group Configuration segment, you notice 4 sections above it. These are identified as,
“Super Admins”

This is used for specific players to get admin whether they’re in a group or not. Yes, you can use this for adding admins although it’ll be a lot of work, for hotels, cafes etc, after someone obtaining a higher rank you’ll have to add them to a different admin level. The ban section may be something I recommend, for industries that have constant trollers coming and going, this could be a good way for them to ban them, I wouldn’t say it’s the easiest though.

Now we can move onto our main topic,

Now, you’ll see 4 segments.

Group ID
Group Rank
Tolerance Type
Admin Level

Group ID Segment
What you first want to do is get the group ID of your group, if you don’t know how YouTube has a lot of tutorials how. You would want to replace “0” with your group ID.

Group Rank Segment
All this means is what rank you want to get the permissions, you would need your group Rank which I like to call Group Rank ID, this can be found in your group “Roles” where it states (0-255). You would want to put whatever rank this admin level is for replacing the “0”.

Tolerance Type
I notice many people struggle with this although you don’t have to make a major change in this, this is automatically set to Greater then or equal to. This means, if the players rank is greater then (whatever you put in the group rank segment) or they ARE the rank that you put it’ll give them the admin.
You can change this to or leave it as is, I usually keep it as it is.

Admin Level
First, let’s explain the admin levels.

1 = Moderator Permissions
2 = Admin Permissions
3 = Superadmin Permissions

So whichever one you want to give the user with the rank you put, put it replacing the “0”.

And that’s mainly it, you can close the script and test it in game. If you still have issues with this or need help you can always message me here or on discord.


My DMs are currently on as well as my friend requests. Dropping a follow would be extremely appreciated, give yourself a pat on the back for reading until the end!


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