Automatic Appeal process never restores classic 2D clothing despite successful appeal

Bug description

I have appealed many times through the automatic appeal system regarding classic clothing, and these assets have never been restored despite my appeal being accepted. Up until now, this has not been such a big problem because in such cases I would write to the Appeal Team and after a few days someone would help me by restoring the asset, but unfortunately the Appeal Team has stopped being helpful for some time now and they rarely reply or reply off-topic. Here is an example:

This appeal was accepted on March 8th and the asset is still deleted, almost a week later: 👻🎃 Halloween Overalls - Roblox.

Today another asset was deleted for an equally ridiculous reason:

The appeal was accepted but this asset will not be restored anyway (because it never was).

I am reporting this as a bug because if this system allows appeals regarding classic clothes, then it should also restore them when the appeal is accepted, and it does not do that.

Expected behavior

Since the automatic appeal system allows appeals for deleted classic clothing, I expect these assets to be restored after a positive appeal (like it is the case with UGC accessories), but this has never happened. The ability to appeal in this way would be useful, faster and would reduce the number of messages sent to the Appeal Team.

A private message is associated with this bug report

The issue here is your image (texture) on the 2D clothing is being removed rather than the clothing itself, and the system thinks it’s just a standalone image, hence only restoring the image and not the clothing which it’s a dependency of. Might be a complicated fix, but hopefully this explanation makes sense to you and engineers.