"Automatic" Editor Quality doesn't show Bloom


This is how the Game Window looks like with the Editor Quality set to Automatic:

Pay attention to the “Editor Quality Level” on the screenshot, and the game window.

This is how Level 1 looks like:

Level 2:

Level 3:

Level 19:


If you compare Level 19 to Automatic, you’ll notice that the shadow or lightning quality are similar, compared to Level 3, which is very low quality. Yet, Level 3 DOES show the Bloom.

Automatic doesn’t. Which is the issue.

Re-production Steps.

Now this is hard to tell if it will work.

editor_quality_bloom.rbxlx (78.7 KB)

This might be specification specific. But there’s something that doesn’t make sense, since the Lightning Quality was chosen to be in a better quality by the “Automatic” setting. Yet it skipped Bloom.

Experiment with: File > Studio Settings > Rendering > Editor Quality Level

Expected Result:

Pretty sure the Automatic Editor Quality was set above Level 2, or inherited things from there. Yet a few things are not enabled.

I expected the Bloom to be visible.

Actual Result

Bloom is not visible, even though the Automatic Editor Quality is pretty sure on a higher Level than 2. Since manually setting it to Level 3, already showed Bloom.



Thank you for reporting this!
I spoke with a rendering engineer and they relayed the following:

The FRM does not adjust current quality level in Studio Edit mode. This is by design in order to avoid moving the far plane back and forth, which would otherwise annoy users trying to select faraway objects. Instead, in Edit Mode the FRM quality level is permanently forced to the value of EditorQualityLevel.

EditorQualityLevel of 0 in Studio has a special meaning. Even though it says “auto”, it’s not supposed to be auto-adjusted. Instead, it’s a “balanced mode” that lets users see as far as possible, while maintaining reasonable performance by turning off all extras that aren’t essential to level building.

If the user wishes to “see as far as possible with everything on”, they can set it to Level21 instead.

Please let me know if you have any further questions or concerns.



Is there an option that allows one to use FRM, but have Bloom force enabled? :thinking:

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