Automatic Gunshot Sound

I’ve been trying to make this automatic sound for this fps game I’m making, but I can’t seem to figure out, how games are able to produce these automatic weapon sounds. Heres what I have currently.

The sound kinda lags and it sounds repeated, I honestly don’t know how to explain it. I’m trying to achieve these kinds of gunshot sounds:

(credit to this channel for the video)
This one sounds automatic, the sound kinda blends in when you hold it.

I’ve tried to mess around with volumes and equalizers, but I couldn’t nail it. If anyone has any hints or ideas on how it could be done then it would really be appreciated!


Add a small debounce to the mechanism script.

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Ok I’m not really what you mean lol. Fire rate debounce? I do have that implemented, the gun is currently running at 800rpm. If not, you should elaborate more.

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Personally I change the firing sound speed to be randomly slower/faster by around 10% with each shot and add a pitch increase/decrease of 5%. I’ve found it properly reduces repetition and makes it feel more organic.


fireSound.PlaybackSpeed = math.random(90, 110) / 100
fireSound.PitchShiftSoundEffect.Octave = math.random(95, 105) / 100

Are you playing the same sound instance each time the gun is fired? Usually sound lag is avoided by creating a new sound object and playing it when needed, then deleting it after some time using the Debris service.
Edit: That way, the sound also blends in smoothly, which I think is what you want to achieve here.

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Yep, you have the idea on what I want, but yes I clone the sounds.

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OMG you’re a life saver! I had this same issue that I made a post about 4 years ago and didn’t know there was a fix until today, 4 years later! Now I can finally rest in peace lol